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Bilstain 2000.....
On the 9th of septenber 2000 we went to Bilstain in Belgium België. Ones or twice a year we organize ourselfes these sort of events. This time we went with 7 suzuki's and one Jeep. De terrain in Belgium is changing and there are coming some new things. The owner is making it better and better. I think that "Bilstain" is one of the most beautifull terrains. On this page a few nice pictures:

Our group. From the left to the right: Nico (white samurai), Gerrit (red SJ 413), Corné (light yellow SJ 413) Next to him it's me (yellow samurai) Next me the green willy's Jeep with Ben and Jos. Next to them Gerald en Peggy (white samurai) Second from the right: Jeroen en Mildred (black samurai) and the right car is owned by Bas (red samurai)

Bas his licenseplate......Mud....

On the rocksNico in the mud.

Corné and me....Kamikaze Ben

Ben with his J**PIn the mud....

A tree in his way.....close up.

Sometimes there's a tree in the way....... It took us a while to winch Gerrit's suzuki back to the top.

More pictures on the next page. Click here if you want to see part 2.